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Subscribe to the newsletter and learn about the new features of our platform, the latest developments in the field of diving, special offers for diving, promotions, etc.

All about our Newsletter

We want to be as transparent as possible for our users and subscribers and provide all the information related to the newsletter, for example, the content and frequency of the newsletter or what data and for what purposes we use for the newsletter.
We want to сall you by name, we hope it´s better for you too.
Email address
We need your email address to deliver our newsletter.
User type (diver or professional)
We always want to send the most interesting information to our subscribers and therefore we want to take into account the different types of our users (diver, diving instructor or dive center) in our newsletter.
Newsletter content
Our newsletter can include diving news, information about new features and updates of our platform, news from our blog, presentation of various products, offers of tours, promotions, etc.
Double-Opt-In and Opt-out
We use double confirmation (Double-Opt-In), that means to receive the newsletter, you need to confirm the subscription in the confirmation email which we sent to you. At any time, each subscriber can unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link found in each newsletter.
Newsletter frequency
The newsletter is sent approximately once every 1-2 weeks. The frequency of newsletter depends on the number of updates to our platform, news, etc.
Statistics and analysis
To optimize our newsletter, we analyze how often our letters open and what links our subscribers click. If you subscribe our newsletter, you agree to such analysis like this.
Newsletter service Mailchimp
To send our newsletter, we use the service MailChimp. The email addresses of our subscribers and additional information about sending and analyzing the newsletter are storen on MailChimp.
Processing of personal data
Please find the complete information about the processing of personal data, logging and analysis of the newsletter in our Privacy Policy.
If you still have questions, please contact us, we will answer any questions about our platform, newsletter, etc. For questions, please use our chat or contact technical support.

About is an independent platform that connects divers and diving professionals! Here you′ll find offers of diving courses, dive safaris and various dive programs directly from instructors around the world!
Profiles of diving professionals
Personal profiles of divemasters, instructors and dive centers with a description of their services, courses and diving programs.
Rating of diving professionals
We have developed worldwide new rating system for diving professionals based on special characteristics of character, service, skills etc.
Diving courses
Many diving courses for beginners and professionals around the world.
Dive reports and interesting stories
Fascinating diving stories, photo and video reports from around the world, awesome emotions of beginners and advanced divers.